Saturday, July 09, 2005

Running to Stand Still

The title is a U2 song on one of the five greatest albums of all-time, "The Joshua Tree." It also sybolizes my life in that I can't think straight unless I run. But even more so, I'm working really hard to go forward, but I feel like I'm on a treadmill not really advancing anywhere... professionaly or personally.

Here we go... I think I'm about ready to dive headfirst into a serious mid-life crisis. However, I'm only 37, and I'll probably live longer than 74, so maybe mid-life isn't the proper term. Anyway, I think that big changes are afoot. Options:
1. Keep the status quo. Things are good. Life is good. Why change?
2. Keep my friends, car and apartment, but change jobs
3. Keep the job, sell the condo and go back to renting on Queen Anne
4. Keep the job, sell the condo and buy something in Seattle
5. Quit the job, sell the condo, and rent on Queen Anne
6. Get rid of everything and move to Maui
7. Get rid of everything and move to Costa Rica

I'll keep you posted on the final decision. I hope to have this wrapped up by the end of the summer.


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