Sunday, August 28, 2005

Running Update

Things are going well with the running. Ran eight on Saturday and tw0 today in my Nike Free's (the shoes that are supposed to simulate barefoot running, but in reality are most likely the invention of a marketing genius.)

I'm on a pretty set schedule of Tuesday and Thursday medium runs (at six mile now, will eventually get up to around 12) and Saturday 'long' runs... which will eventually get up as far as my back will take me. I'm hoping to get up to 24 miles so I can run another marathon. On Sunday's and Wednesday's, I'll do 2-to-4 mile recovery runs in the Nikes. That's three good runs and two recovery a week, for five days a week. I think that'll be OK. I'll let you know if my back thinks differently.

This schedule should at least get me to a half-marathon in November, and hopefully a full marathon in early 2006.


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