Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Love Monkey"

I finally got around to watching the Tom Cavanagh show "Love Monkey" on CBS.

Here's the funny thing. Since writing about it a few weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why the show seemed so familiar to me.

The show is about a single guy in New York trying to deal with a new job and getting a grip on his life.

I enjoyed the first two episodes. This show is a keeper as a Tivo Season Pass. The part of the show I find most intriguing is the relationship between Cavanagh and Judy Greer. Greer plays his best friend. I've always had a thing for Greer. There's something I find irresistably delicious about her.

Oh, so why is the show familiar to me? It's based on the novel "Love Monkey" by Kyle Smith, which I read and reviewed this past summer. In the novel, the main character is a bit of a loser with a job at 2nd rate newspaper (think New York Daily News.) About the only things the book and TV series have in common is the city and the lead character is male.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The feels like a mesh between a male "Sex and the City" and the movie "High Fidelity." Do you agree?

7:42 PM  
Blogger David said...

Yeah, good point... but not as good as either. However, for network TV, it's not bad.

1:32 AM  

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