Random Super Bowl Image
Detroit Airport
She was so comfortable with me, Mitch and Ro left the room to see what would happen. Eva was fine! We 'talked,' laughed, played with Elmo. She's great.
Watch out Kaia, you have some competition!
On the plus it's beautiful out here, if not a little (OK, a lot) cold.
By the way, I'm pretty impressed my crappy little camera phone could take this picture.
So, my first flight was delayed enough to make me miss my flight.
However, the good thing about living in acity witg three airports is you can always find a flight. The next flight to LaGuardia wasn't until 3:30. But, there was a flight to Newark a half hour after my original flight.
Now I'm waiting for a train in Jersey. Living the high life ain't always glamorous... Ha ha
How does a 25 minute flight get delayed by over an hour? This is ridiculous. I'm going to miss my connecting flight if we don't get a move on.
Someone needs to silence the little man playing bongos on brain.
It's 7am. I went to bed at 3:15. My dad set a 5:30 wake up call. My flight doesn't leave until 8:45. Shoot me.
Jerome Bettis is posing for pictures prior to the game, just like Rocky Balboa, prior to getting his ass kicked by Clubber Lang.
Lionel Ritchie is performing. I forgot how many hit songs he had.
Getting closer...
Again with the free food and booze. And ice sculptures. Two hours to gametime. Can't wait. Have lots of pictures. Have fun!
We're at the Ren Center. Just watched some SportsCenter taping. Ran into Linda Cohn in the elevator.
We got our tickets upgraded to 50 yardline, 21 rows up. Holy shit!
Went to the Renaisance Plaza to pick up some passes and saw Jerry Rice, Lynn Swann and Jay Mohr.
We then went to the NFL Experience. Because of the passes from Mitch,we skipped the hour long line to get in. It was kind of cool, but not worth the $15 they were charging.
After that, we met up with RT, Giles. Brad, Josh and Denice. We drank for a few hours before heading to the hotel to change for a party.
We went to an NFL sponsored party. The Bangles played and were awesome. Susanna Hoffs is still a major babe. Smashmouth also played and they were horrible. Free food and topshelf drinks. Fantastic.
I'm exhausted.
If nothing else, our fans are better looking than Pittsburgh's. The women all look they're playing on the other team, and not in a Jenna Jameson kind of way.
... Cleveland rocks, Cleveland rocks.
Ah, The Drew Carey Show. Good times.
Sitting in the empty Cleveland airport. I think everyone here is going to Detroit, and they're all in Black and Pansy yellow.
My flight from NY to Cleveland is delayed, so I had change my flight from Cleveland to Detroit. I'll be arriving an hour after my scheduled time of 8:30.
By the way, getting to LaGuardia kind of sucks. So does the airport. Until today, I had always thought this was the main airport and JFK was the little brother, like LAX to Burbank or O'Hare to Midway.